Sunday, September 25, 2011

Through The Lens 9.4

A spider posed for me the other night.  While I was taking the pictures, a bug flew into the web and I got to take some pictures of the spider pouncing on the bug.

I also played around in my little homemade studio.

One of the best pictures of my son to date.

Monday, September 19, 2011

New work schedule

Hello, I realized the weekend has passed and there has not been a blog post. My work schedule went from weekends to 2nd shift M-F. My wife is working part time with the school system and is having to do everything in the morning so she can watch our son by the time I have to leave in the afternoon. I have planned several photo shoots and hope to have some new pictures up this week.

If you enjoy taking pictures, playing in Photoshop, or do any kind of GD or art on the computer, check out some of these sites. They are very useful tools for information and inspiration.
Photoshop This is the one of the most useful tools that is available. If you do any kind of work in Photoshop this is a must.

CGHUB is an online community for Computer Generated Art, very cool place to get the imagination flowing.

DP Review is the best review site for cameras on the web. They not only do a complete review but also have multiple comparisons and image galleries to highlight the pros and cons of the reviewed camera. They also have a good glossary for the "fancy" camera words.

Thanks for taking a look through my lens.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Throught the Lense 9.2

Normally I post my favorite pictures of the week over the weekend. This past week I was very happy with some pictures I took form Sun Burst and posted those during the week (instead of waiting for the weekend). I was going back through some pictures I took during the summer and wanted share these few.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunburst after the rain

I thought there might be some cool picture opportunities after the past day and half of rain up at Sunburst.  I could have spent all day looking around up there but this is what I found in the little time I was up there.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Goodnight, Irony Recording Day

Goodnight, Irony spent the day laying down tracks for their debut EP which should be out later this month. After hearing a raw track of Winter's Red I can't wait for the final cut! My brother Ben Fleenor is doing there recording and mixing. These are some pictures I took of the band while recording. You will notice Adam (the lead singer) is missing because he was in an isolation booth laying down the vocals.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Throught the lens 9.1

I went to a farmers market and found a few great products to get up close with.

I was also around the Smokey Mountain Folk Festival and captured a sound board and the band line up.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Goodnight, Irony Art Work

Goodnight, Irony is a local band that my brother in law is the lead singer in. They are recording there first 3 original songs Monday. I was playing around in Photoshop with some new brushes I down loaded from CGHUB and this is what I came up with for the different tracks.

 They are designed to make a complete picture when put together

 Release posters.
